13 July 2015

Can you relate...?

Hi everyone!
Hope we are doing well and the week started on a great note. well,how many of us love/loved video games(i know i do!). For all you game lovers,i saw this on Facebook and thought to share with you. Can you relate???

I loved video games and i still do. i can totally relate with everything that has been mentioned.lol.Especially,the tilting of the body!!!(great memories!)
i know some of you did/do this.Which ones can you relate to?

image sources-facebook.com/google images

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  1. haha!i never liked video games. im a girly girl. but looking back,i think my brothers did the tilting of the body thing and always fought over who gets controller 1.(now i know why..lol)

    Nana Ama

    1. i cant believe you don't like video games.lol

  2. hehehehehheheheh Now I am a huge Playstation fanatic.. Asin I llloove P.S ehn! Growing up, i did a lot of PS2 gaming.. hehehe the one that i always and always relate to the most.. Even till now sev **Covers face is that.. When you use the Controller 1 you will win.. hehehe that shit works like magic.. lmao! But truly Chrissy, it walks most of the time.. heheheh Thank you for making me reminisce again.. kai! Cheers to good ol' Play station 2 days.. And the crowd goes.. Oooossshheeey Turn uP!.. hehe thanks for making me smile Bubba.. You Rock Aswear..

    1. haha!i never knew the controller one actually had 'powers' lol. Im glad it brought back good memories. it did the same for me too and tht is why i thought id share!xx

  3. I don't do video games but I see how they concentrate playing it,like their life depends on it, lolz


    1. You dont do video games?*suprised bbm smiley*lol. well, as you need to concentrate very very well otherwise you will loose.lol

      Hi!*waves hand*

  4. Wow wow wow what an interesting post - I have always loved video games and super mario remains my favourite although I haven't rescued the princess yet lol. Amongst some of my favourite games are Tetris, the need for speed, etc

    1. wow.you must be my long lost sister!lol. i love all the games you mentioned too!oh and i have been able to rescue the princess a number of times

  5. I don't do games generally. I remember I used to be addicted to brick games...it was hell then. You can hardly find games on my phone

    @Christy tanx for coming by my blog. Bless you dear


    1. You welcome. I love it there! I cant believe you don't do games either! :-(
