21 July 2015

Random Stuff

Hello everyone!Hows your day going??good?great?bad? Mine is going just fine-It could be better though.
I saw this on Facebook and thought I would share..Enjoy!


Which hymn best describe my driving? Well, i will say when I am on the University Campus or driving in town(Accra central),I sing  'It is well with my soul'..lol. But when I am heading home at the weekend and I am on the motorway(highway),It alternates between 'This world is not my home' and 'Nearer my God to thee'.hahahahahaaa! I 'gats' to learn to drive slowly! 

Tell me which of the hymns best describes your driving? I hope no one gets to 'Rest in Peace!'

image source-www.facebook.com

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  1. Forth in thy name oh lord I go. I sing this always and it works.

  2. heheheheheheh mehn! eeezz not a joking Sturvzz oh! no be small this world is not my own eh! :) **Draws ears.. Sha be driving small small oh! haf ye hia?!

    So How is our Ms Chrissy doing?!
