26 July 2015

Hello....how are you?

image source Hello everyone!how are we all doing??great I hope?!I hope you are all having a restful sunday. Remember our friend Baffour Awuah Tabury(click here to  read about him)???He has been able to raise some amount of money for the stem cell surgery but he needs a little bit more.So,I...

21 July 2015

Random Stuff

Hello everyone!Hows your day going??good?great?bad? Mine is going just fine-It could be better though. I saw this on Facebook and thought I would share..Enjoy!       Which hymn best describe my driving? Well, i will say when I am on the University Campus or driving in town(Accra...

20 July 2015

19 July 2015

Sunday Word- Spiritual Gifts

Happy Sunday lovely people!How has your day been?what did you do?Did you go to church?or you stayed at home and watched Africa magic?? :) Well,i went to church and as usual,i taught sunday school. Church was fun and my kids were so cooperative except for the very little ones who decided they would...

18 July 2015


In my part of the world, Eid celebrations are taking place today. In view of that, Id like to wish all Muslims around the word a happy happy Eid ul fitr. May Allah grant you all your heart desires. Ameen. Today has been a very colorful day here in Accra.As I was driving in town earlier,I saw a lot...

17 July 2015

Help For Baffour Awuah Tabury

Please keep the help coming!Baffour needs us and share his story so that more people can reach out to him.#HELPFORBAFFOUR 'What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead'-...

16 July 2015


TALENT-According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary, 'talent is a special ability that allows someone to do something well' Lately, i have been watching a lot of talent shows, and its got me thinking-WHAT IS YOUR TALENT? Even before i started to watch these talent shows, I used to question...

15 July 2015


Today is all about art and Id like to introduce you to a budding Ghanaian artist. -Tell us about yourself My name is Jasper Kyei(of JaspArt), a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology where i majored in painting.I love to paint as much as i love to eat! -Why...

14 July 2015

Question of the Day-Name change after marriage

Would you ever take your wife's surname(last-name)? or Ladies, would you prefer your husband takes your surname instead? My friend put up an article on his blog titled 'WHY SHOULD I TAKE MY WIFE'S NAME'.This article paved way for a  debate which is still ongoing. I would like to know what...

13 July 2015

Can you relate...?

Hi everyone! Hope we are doing well and the week started on a great note. well,how many of us love/loved video games(i know i do!). For all you game lovers,i saw this on Facebook and thought to share with you. Can you relate???     I loved video games and i still do. i can totally relate...

12 July 2015


Its the day of the sun and where i am, the sun is blazing hot!So, in the spirit of celebrating our Lords day and the day of the sun,let us remember to love and be kind to one another.And "have some laughs" as well! This is so me!*big grin*   ENJOY! image source-google...

11 July 2015

Quote of the day

A couple of days ago,i was at the lowest point of my life and everything wasnt going on as planned. But then remembering the quotes above made me realise that life is not a race. Its never how you start but how you finish. live for today and enjoy the moment! *image source-google ima...

10 July 2015

Why I love my Country-Ghana

I am a Ghanaian-proudly Ghanaian!and there are many reasons why i love my country some of which are very funny. #The food! banku and tilapia plantain and beans Of course i had to start with food. Whats there not ot love about food?I  love Ghanaian food.From rice and groundnut...

09 July 2015


It is very sad how our educational system works these days.'Sad' is not the right word in this context, i think its best to say frustrating. So it is frustrating how our education system works these days;It is frustrating how rotten it is;It is frustrating how corrupt the system is! Some people...

08 July 2015

That Natural Hair life!

I am yet to understand this natural hair obsession!Everyone i know has cut their hair and is going on and on about #team natural. No! I am not hating on people with natural hair..don't get me wrong..I am a proud natural sistah myself! So what am i going on about? Well, i am just amazed how...

07 July 2015

Inspire Series- Mr Leslie Nelson

During my graduation ceremony last year November, we were privileged to have Mr Leslie Nelson,General manager of General Electrics power business across Africa the as the guest speaker. Mr Nelsons  speech was the best commencement speech  i have heard and i have been to a lot of graduation...

Inspire Series

Hello Everyone! I would like to start a new section on this blog called the 'inspire series'. It is just a way to motivate readers who might need a little bit of encouragement in diverse aspects of their live. Thus, If you have a story you would want to share-it could be on academics,life,relationship,spiritual...

06 July 2015

For the Love of Series

I love watching TV shows/Series!I love how the story line is continued with all the twists and turns! Inasmuch as i love to watch series, there is  a specific genre i like. If you guessed 'comedy', then you are right! I like to laugh a lot so anything that makes me laugh catches my attention. I...