30 June 2015


Give and it would come back to you,a good measure,pressed down and shaken together, running over....Luke 6:38. There is joy in giving and this post i am about to share with you was written by the wonderful Anuoluwapo.She is a part of a team that is planning an empowerment programme for Widows and single moms and they would appreciate it if you can be of help in anyway(cash or kind.) Read...

29 June 2015


Do you agree with the picture above? Do you think money changes people's attitude? If you suddenly became a billionaire would you change? I have been having this argument with my friend for a very long time now and he doesn't seem to agree with me that money changes people ( he makes some valid points...

28 June 2015

27 June 2015

26 June 2015

Celebrating GH Fashion [1]

image source Anyone that knows me well enough knows that the only other thing i love aside reading is fashion! No, Dont get it twisted! I am no fashionista!(well, in my head, i am the greatest fashionista that 'ever liveth'..lol) I just love to look at clothes and put them together . Well,i have...

25 June 2015

What Would You Do?

Hello everyone! Someone needs advice! so, my friend Naa recently reached out to me and wanted to know my opinion on something that has been bothering her. She has been hanging out with this guy she really likes and would love to date him. However, this guy(Kofi) is her friends(Akua) ex-boyfriend....