
16 December 2015


Ohayo gozaimasu!Good morning! how do you do?

What happened on blogsphere whilst i was gone?? Please fill me in :-). 

So, whilst i was away, the lovely Naija mum nominated me for the Versatile blog award! How cool is that? Please do visit her blog. She has lovely stories to tell!
From what i gather, these are the rules of engagement ;-) 

  • Thank the person who gave you this award and include a link to their blog (DONE AND DONE).‎
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and inform them too.‎
Here are seven wonderful things about me:
-I was born on May 1st and it has has been said that kids born on holidays are special sooo i am extra special :-)

- I am my dads favorite child and he doesn't hide it at 

-I am halfway through with my Masters programme (Can't wait to be done and start my PHD!)

- I love learning new languages. I did French during my undergraduate studies and i am currently studying Japanese. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!!

-I loooooove to read and write.These are my favorite things to do aside

-I dream of a better world so id like to start an NGO or work for one

-I believe in God and i love him more than anything. I know he has my back, always!!

There you have it. Unfortunately, all the bloggers i follow have already done the tag but if you haven't done it let me know so i can tag you.

If there is anything else you want to know about me, do drop a comment. Dont forget to tell me about yourself too!

Domo arigatou gozaimasu! gros bises! xx


  1. Hi Chrissy
    great to have you has school been?interesting stuff you wrote about yourself. i can so relate to number 2. let me also add my question,are you an extrovert or introvert?i will be coming for Japanese lessons.hope you will teach me??

    Nana Ama

    1. Hi Nana Ama!Thanks for showing has been ok and very stressful😐.and yes,i will teach you
      To your question,i think im a mix of i act is dependent on my environment or who im with. Most of the time though,u will find me in bed with a good book or maybe im more of an introvert than i think😁

  2. This your new language nawah.. Thank God for your masters program. Wish you the best...So many things happened. You have enough to feed yourself with

    1. lol @This your new language nawah!
      been doing blog rounds..cant believe im late to the partyyy! * crying in Japanese*
